jeudi 6 septembre 2007

Bushs Approval Rating

President Bush's success rating in the Democratic-controlled House has fallen this year to a half-century low, and he prevailed on only 14 percent of the 76 roll call votes on which he took a clear position Bushs Approval Rating There are different ways to measure success. With Bush, they're all pointing at rock bottom, whether it's the war in Iraq, whether it's his approval ratings, whether it's the approval ratings of his party, or voter polling on issues President Approval Rating On the Republican side, Giuliani's favorability rating of 48%/30% remains essentially unchanged from his August score of 48%/29%. Bush's approval rating is up slightly but still bad at 64%/32%. In July he was at 66%/29%. But that isn't Bush's position. The fundamental reason for the inability of the parties to work together in this profound moment of opportunity is the fundamental weakness of the president. Approval ratings hovering in the 20s and low . Approval Rating Hits Minnesota: Bush rubberstamp Republican Norm Coleman is facing consistently sub-50% approval ratings, and well-known, well-liked, well-financed Democratic challengers in this blue state. More than a year out, polls already show a . Bush 9 out of every 10 times. Last November, Survey USA put Bush's approval-disapproval in North Carolina at 43-55. Just last month, Public Policy Polling put Bush's approval-disapproval at a similarly weak 41-55 Bush Job Approval Rating Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president? An analysis of public polls by the Democracy Corps, a Democratic organization, found that Bush's approval rating in July 2005 averaged 46.1 percent and his disapproval averaged 50.2 percent. By the following July, his approval averaged . Congressional Approval Rating With national polls showing Congressional approval ratings hovering in the low 20s -- lower even than Bush's -- Ogo's Congress-bashing could at least blunt the effect of Tsongas's Bush Bogeyman. From there, the race might have to be . The amount of people with their heads on straight in this country and around the world is extremely low. So it doesn't bother me that these freaks think President Bush is doing a bad job. Bushs Approval Rating Actually as I think of it his approval ratings would likely rise after such an event. Could get all the way up to 50% again. Nothing makes the American public happy like dead girls and live boys. With Bush's approval ratings still hovering near Nixon-era lows, no end in sight for Bush's quagmire in Iraq, and war with Iran on the horizon, the Republicans are getting a bit desperate about the next election President Approval Rating Here's a gloomy, layman's guess of what might come next: A bunch of loans will fail, the homes will be repo'd, the market in some regions will be swamped with repo'd homes driving the price down faster than Bush's approval ratings, . With President Bush’s approval ratings hovering around 30%, most agree that the Iraq war is the source of that disapproval. And many in the press espouse that it is his refusal to bring the war to . Approval Rating Hits I'm always reading that President Bush's approval ratings are sinking. And, relative to past presidents, they are - after all, the latest numbers are in the low 30s. Well, I think I'm going to have dissent here and say that this seems . Richard Cohen discovers something some of us on the right have been saying for a while: if you hold your head just so and look at Bush from the right Bush Job Approval Rating Break down the approval rating of members of Congress by party and the Dems have an approval rating of 37 percent, which (while low) is higher than Bush's approval rating. By contrast, GOP members of Congress have a truly dismal . According to a new American Research Group poll, just 25% of Americans approve of the way President Bush is handling his job as president and 71% disapprove. These are record lows for the survey. When it comes to Bush's handling of the .

President Approval Rating

Congressional Approval Rating How low can he go? After all, President Bush does enjoy an approval rating in the twenties. It's certainly conceivable that ten percent of the country has done well by the Bush policies -- executives of oil companies and other major international . Bushs Approval Rating In the new poll, conducted Monday and Tuesday nights, President Bush�s approval rating has reached a record low. Only 26 percent of Americans, just over one in four, approve of the job the 43rd president is doing; while, . Bush (and who finds her high approval ratings a complete mystery), I would like to suggest that she may be the worst First Lady in recent memory. Here are the reasons: First, she has had no consistent program or agenda that has changed . President Approval Rating Technorati tags: bill press ed schultz show liberal talk radio harry reid congressional approval ratings bush approval ratings talk radio bush bashing bush bill press harry reid interview Reid with Rush and Pelosi: And isn’t it interesting how we have the Fort Dix arrest of the gang that couldn’t jihad straight just as Bush’s approval rating hits a record low? When the president warned that if we didn’t fight them over there, we’d have to fight . Approval Rating Hits The president took a battering in public-opinion polls after Katrina -- in fact, that disaster and not the war was the point at which his approval ratings began dropping precipitously. There also were warnings that the next hurricane . President George Bush’s approval rating has hit a new low in a new poll — as public opposition to the Iraq war reaches a new high:. Opposition to the Iraq war has reached a record high, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, a development . Bush Job Approval Rating Bush these days? A new poll by American Research Group has Bush's approval rating at 25 percent. In the poll, 71 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's job performance and 73 percent disapprove of the way he's handling the economy American Research Group's latest poll: Bush has a 25% approval rating and 71% of American's disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job. This is the highest level of disapproval and lowest level of approval for the Bush presidency . Congressional Approval Rating Bush is in Australia, which is the sort of country where being spotted in a lap-dance club has increased the personal approval rating of the opposition leader by 2 points. Bush and John Howard, who is prime minister and is also in . (Best Syndication) While Republican Senators scramble to separate themselves from the President on the war, Bush’s approval rating reaches an all time low of 29 percent. A new USA Today/Gallup Poll found that more people want President . Bushs Approval Rating round about guess Harry Loser Reid may have something here, Except it's the Democrats own actions and words which America sees for the hate America, blame America that the Democrats have become. Bush hit bottom with his administration low point of 29% in early July (based on our USA Today/Gallup poll readings). Now – in the data just about to be released from our weekend poll – Bush’s approval rating has recovered slightly to . President Approval Rating When it comes to the way Bush is handling the economy, 23% of registered voters approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 72% disapprove. This is the highest level of disapproval and lowest level of approval for the Bush . And in case you didn't notice, that's why there's a democratic majority in Congress right now. Which, since their much bally-hooed election, has managed to drag congress to the lowest approval rating EVER.I believe. Approval Rating Hits Brings to mind the futility of putting lipstick on a pig. Maybe Bush doesn't care about current ratings and hopes history will sort out the mess in his favor. Or maybe they are a gaggle of incompetent jerks. That's what I think. No depth. Veneer. All shine, no tensile strength. Bush Job Approval Rating With just hours until the first Democratic Party-sanctioned debate, we learn that President Bush’s approval ratings have fallen to record lows. Again. According to a new American Research Group poll, just 25% of Americans approve of the . June 23: The latest Newsweek polls indicate that President Bush has a 26% approval rating, second only to former President Nixon. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski talks to David Hawkings from Congressional Quarterly Weekly for insight.

Approval Rating Hits

Congressional Approval Rating Bush now has had both the highest approval rating in Gallup's history — 90% in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks — and one of the lowest. Among modern presidents, only Richard Nixon, Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter ever had a lower rating . If George W. Bush's approval rating hit a low point for any president in 33 years, do you think the network evening news programs would have reported it? Maybe as the lead story, right? Well, a new Gallup poll was released on Tuesday . Bushs Approval Rating Bush Approval Rating Plummets to 25% Truthdig, United States - 11 minutes ago When it comes to the way Bush is handling the economy, 23% of registered voters approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 72% disapprove Bush Approval Rating Tumbles To 25 Percent - Politics on The Huffington Post How low can it go? President Approval Rating It is undeniable that President Bush's approval rating is embarassingly low, and so low, that it is likely unrecoverable. But here are a ten interesting tid-bits about his terrible approval ratings:. 10. RECENT DATA: The Gallup poll, . His domestic approval has declined from 90 percent (the highest ever recorded by The Gallup Organization) immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks to 26 percent (in a Newsweek poll taken in June 2007[7]), the lowest level for . Approval Rating Hits Bush Approval Rating Tumbles To 25 Percent How low can he go? Hammered by bad news in Iraq, congressional investigations and recent failed domestic initiatives such as the immigration overhaul, Bush's job approval rating has spiraled to record lows for his presidency. Two-thirds of Republicans and . Bush Job Approval Rating He was writing about the recent deal with North Korea and said that Bush has the right to hold his head high. I kid you not. This about a president with an approval ratings of 29 and who does not get those words from Fox News or the . Bush approval rating over time. (Rant if you want, this graphic is facinating to me for some reason) Congressional Approval Rating Bush Approval Rating a New Low ABC News - 1 hour ago (Jim Young / Reuters) By SUSAN PAGE WASHINGTON — Opposition to the Iraq war has reached a record high, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, a development likely . The only president in the last 35 years to score lower than Bush is Richard Nixon. Nixon’s approval rating tumbled to 23 percent in January 1974, seven months before his resignation over the botched Watergate break-in Bushs Approval Rating That was President Bush's approval rating among white evangelicals in a recent survey, far higher than among the electorate as a whole but considerably lower than in earlier years. Bush Approval Rating Tumbles To 25 Percent 25% of Americans approve of the way President Bush is handling his job as president and 71% disapprove. These are record lows. When it comes to Bush's handling of the economy, 23% approve and . President Approval Rating Currently, 32% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing as president, a far cry from the record-high 90% he received in September 2001. Bush’s current job approval rating is just three percentage points above his lowest Moreover, Bush's approval rating on terrorism, which the Times called high marks, is just one point above his low terrorism approval rating of 44% from January, according to Gallup. From the Washington Times article: . Approval Rating Hits I woke up yesterday to the news that President Bush's approval rating dropped below Jimmy Carter's all time low. I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me. Not simply because I lean democrat; Much moreso because I am an . Americans are giving bad grades all around. President Bush's job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever. Bush Job Approval Rating NEWSWEEK Poll: Bush Hits All-Time Low - George W. Bush has the lowest presidential approval rating in a generation, and the leading Dems beat every major '08 Republican. Coincidence? WEB EXCLUSIVE By Marcus Mabry, Newsweek May 5, . GALLUP: Bush Approval Rating Sinks to Jimmy Carter Level By E&P Staff Published: July 18, 2007 1:30 PM ET NEW YORK Welcome back, Carter? For decades, Jimmy Carter has been maligned as a profoundly unpopular president. But now, accor.

Bush Job Approval Rating

Congressional Approval Rating The President might be unpopular, at least compared to how he fared a few years ago but his approval ratings are nearly twice that of Congress. The Democrats love to tell everyone that they were elected to effect change and that Bush is . A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll shows President Bush's approval rating amongst Republicans boosted by 4 percent today, giving positive criticism to renewed faith in war efforts overseas mostly. The poll, consisting of 1029 . Bushs Approval Rating Bush Approval Rating Down to 25%With just hours until the first Democratic Party-sanctioned debate, we learn that President Bush's approval ratings have fallen to record lows. Again. According to a new American Research Group poll, . President Bush registers the lowest approval rating of his presidency--making him the least popular president since Nixon--in the new NEWSWEEK Poll. [SOURCE] The only president in the last 35 years to score lower than Bush is Richard President Approval Rating Bush’s approval rating plunged to a new low of 26 percent, making him the least popular US president since Richard Nixon, a poll released on Thursday found. The Newsweek magazine poll showed that 26 percent of Americans, just over one . I won’t vent in-depth as it makes me too angry, but in case anyone is still keeping score, Bush’s approval rating in now at 25%. (In other news, 25% of the nation is wallowing in self-deception and/or ignorance) Approval Rating Hits President Bush’s approval rating has sunk to a new low in a Wisconsin poll by the firm of Strategic Vision , with only 19% of those surveyed approving of Bush’s job performance. Bush’s approval rating is falling at a time when Democrats and the White House are clashing over the Iraq Emergency Supplemental Bill. The legislation would provide funding for the equipment and armor that the troops need overseas, . Bush Job Approval Rating George Bush Approval rating: 6.66% and falling. Bush Approval Rating Falls To Twice That Of Congress. Congressional Approval Rating A summary of major polls reveals that Bush's approval rating has fallen into the 20's. Newsweek has him at 26%. Scott Horton asks:. Well, isn’t the real question: who are these 26%? Are they people who don’t read newspapers, . Another Low: Bush Approval Rating Tumbles To 26 Percent. Bushs Approval Rating Bush Approval Rating Tumbles To 25 PercentHow low can he go? Just when you think he can't sink any lower, either in his ethics, disregard for the Constitution or approval ratings, Bush surprises us again! A recent Newsweek poll has the president's approval rating as a pitiful 26% President Approval Rating Certainly, Republicans are in a heap of trouble right now as the Bush brand they so anxiously wrapped themselves in during the 2002 and 2004 elections has come back to fully bite them in the ass. Things have gotten so bad in a short . In the new poll, conducted Monday and Tuesday nights, President Bush’s approval rating has reached a record low. Only 26 percent of Americans, just over one in four, approve of the job the 43rd president is doing; while, . Approval Rating Hits Bush’s approval rating slid 6 points from 35 percent in April, NBC said, citing a decline in support within his own Republican Party. Sixty-six percent said they disapproved of Bush’s job performance Bush’s approval rating is down six points since April. Even his favorability factor has plummeted to just 32 percent, another all-time low for a president who banks on his personality to sell flawed policies Bush Job Approval Rating Bill McInturff, the Republican pollster, did an analysis Katrina's effect on Bush's approval ratings in the summer of 2006 and concluded that almost a year after the storm, the president was still suffering a post-Katrina hangover Bush?s approval rating plunged to a new low of 26 percent, making him the least popular US president since Richard Nixon, a poll released on Thursday found. The Newsweek magazine poll showed that 26 percent of Americans, just over one .

Congressional Approval Rating

Congressional Approval Rating WorldNetDaily, Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low FOX News - 11 hours ago President Bush’s job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove In 1947 Harry Truman had an approval rating of 32%, the lowest a president had ever recorded until President Bush hit 29% earlier this year. Astonishingly, a year later Truman soared to win election in his own right Bushs Approval Rating President Bush's job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove of the president’s job performance. And those harsh sentiments extend down . President Bush’s approval rating slipped to new lows in the most recent Harris Interactive survey, but he’s not alone: For the first time since the series began, all of the political figures and institutions included in the survey have . President Approval Rating Currently, 32% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing as president, a far cry from the record-high 90% he received in September 2001. Bush's current job approval rating is just three percentage points above his lowest Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low FOX News - 3 hours ago President Bush’s job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove . Approval Rating Hits Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low FOX News - 7 hours ago President Bush’s job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove . Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low FOX News - 20 minutes ago President Bush’s job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove . Bush Job Approval Rating The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Republicans ditching President Bush as he tries to revive the immigration bill that many of them oppose. Bush’s approval ratings have dropped to a new low, below 30%, and the downdraft . Time Magazine is reporting on a AP-Ipsos poll released today that found Bush’s approval rating at 32%, an all-time low. On issue after issue including the Iraq war, the economy, healthcare, foreign policy, and the war on terror, . Congressional Approval Rating Public approval of the job President Bush is doing now matches its all-time low, an AP-Ipsos poll says. The survey, released Thursday, reflects widespread discontent over how Bush is handling the war in Iraq, efforts against terroris How did a President whose numbers were below 50 manage to win the election? Just another thing about this Presidency that just does not add up. Bushs Approval Rating Bush’s approval Ratings: 35 percent Congress’ approval ratings: 25 percent. It’s pretty discouraging when Congress, which was voted in to keep Bush’s administration in check, is failing miserably at its task President George W. Bush's overall job approval rating has taken a small dip, dropping to 32% positive, down from 34% who gave him positive job marks in mid-July, a new Reuters/Zogby International telephone poll shows President Approval Rating New FOX News poll finds that President Bush’s job approval rating hit a new low with 31 percent and Americans aren’t too happy with Congress, either. SOURCE. Tags: news, Iraq, opinion, american, politics. PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds continued stability in President George W. Bush's job approval rating, now at 32%. Of the five leading issues facing the nation right now, Americans rate Bush highest on his handling of terrorism . Approval Rating Hits Now their approval ratings are at historic lows. The media had no small part in this effort. On January 5th the Washington Post printed an editorial blog post: The Overrated General Petraeus. This was an attempt to smear Patreus before . President Bush's approval rating has dropped back to the lowest level ever, according to a new AP/Ipsos Poll:. The survey, released Thursday, reflects widespread discontent over how Bush is handling the war in Iraq, efforts against . Bush Job Approval Rating Bush's approval rating is at 33 % while Congress stands at 27.8 %. Way to go Dems. :) Currently President Bush’s approval rating is at 32%. Although quite low it is important for one large reason, the MSM has had a field day reporting on President Bush’s low ratings. Yet they have not done the same for Congress

bushs approval rating